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The V11-VBS is a Variable Buffer System (VBS) consisting of one to three buffer spacers. Placed behind the bolt, this short strokes the bolt when firing and increases the rate of fire. Each additional V11-VBS spacer increases the rate of fire even more. Do not install more than the indicated quantity of V11-VBS spacers or you will not be able to cock the bolt back far enough to catch the sear.
V11-VBS-1 is a Variable Buffer System consisting of one buffer spacer. When installed in the VERSA-11, the rate of fire can be easily changed to approximately 540 RPM. The standard rate of fire of the VERSA-11 is approximately 530 RPM. It is recomended that you use a minimum of two V11-VBS to inscrease the rate of fire to 670 RPM.
V11-VBS-2 is a Variable Buffer System consisting of two buffer spacers. When installed in the VERSA-11, the rate of fire can be easily changed to approximately 670 RPM.
V11-VBS-3 is a Variable Buffer System consisting of two buffer spacers. When installed in the VERSA-11, the rate of fire can be easily changed to approximately 930 RPM.
The rates of fire above are approximate. The rate of fire of your ammunition may vary. Different bullet weights, such as 124 gr. And 147 gr. , as well as lighter or stronger powered ammunition, will result in slower or faster rates of fire.
The V11-VBS easily installs on your bolt assembly by simply installing it between the rubber buffer and the back of the bolt assembly. It is securely held in place with the ejector rod.